Attending the WV Small Farms Conference : a nightmare of knowledge
by Gianni on our previous farm
by Gianni on our previous farm
there is a symbiotic relationship between wildcrafter and the plants they harvest... it's important to provide in kind for them. wild harvesting doesn't mean simply taking what is there. it means establishing a working relationship, fostering the plants' health and well being, so they can do the same for you. including a how-to on propogating elderberry from cuttings.
by Chappell on our previous farm
by Gianni on our previous farm
We reserve the bulk of our minimal freezer space for deer meat, leftover stock pots of soup and the temporary storage of seasonal wine fruit windfalls; so we dry or dehydrate most of our winter stock pile of produce.
by Chappell on our previous farm
by Chappell on our previous farm
by Gianni on our previous farm
The Breakdown:
Fire Burns Sideways
Fire Burns Twice
1-Wood Burns in Combustion Chamber
2-Gas Burns in Burn Barrel
Exit Fumes Heat Mass
Mass Radiates Heat
by Chappell on our previous farm
this has been a very full year for us, producing enough foods through cultivation and wildcrafting to sell at two farmer's markets.
by Gianni on our previous farm
Winterizing Projects