Wild Dagga
Leonotis Leonurus
Leonotis Leonurus, commonly referred to as Wild Dagga or Lion's Tail is an herb in the mint family. It is a beautiful South African bush that grows to 6 feet or more in height and has whorls of striking, velvety orange flowers.
Wild Dagga contains Leonurine, which is a psychoactive known to produce states of concentrated focus as well as contentment/relaxation. It is smoked traditionally or brewed into a tea. The tea however needs a lot of help with sweetener and good flavors in order to be a pleasant drink.
The psychoactive alkaloids are most-concentrated in the flower petals.
Dagga is a common ingredient in herbal smoking blends in the western world. It does not mimic the effects of any illegal drugs, it has a character and effect all its own, and, it's completely legal to possess almost anywhere in the world.
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any U.S. state, please let us know.
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