3 generations work the fields of Wild Art Farm; an evolving, creative exercise in natural food production. We grow heirloom vegetables, fruit and herbs in concert with nature without the use of chemicals. We have used a combination of No Till, Permaculture and Beyond Organic methods to revitalize our soil. Our land has not been tilled for at least 25 years.
We use recycled and compostable shipping supplies every chance we can. We sell produce, wild native fruit and value-added items at local farmers markets, but our main crop is Spilanthes.
Four years into our farming experiment, due to some of life's little ordeals, we didn't get to farm in 2017.
However, in the fall of 2017 we relocated to our very own land. Farming on new, unfarmed land with vastly different soil and environmental concerns set us back a lot on our path to prosperity. Now in our7th year on this land we have established most of the necessary infrastructure and continue to establish perennial areas, build soil and cut paths. ... And we finally found a niche. Spilanthes
During the CoVid we moved most of our "business" ventures to the online realm to expand our potential customer base. It was a huge game changer for our family farm, you'll now find our products on Amazon or in our Etsy Store. We offer slightly better deals on Etsy due to lower fees and a hassle free experience. However getting our main products listed on Amazon was like catching a life raft.